Kanawha County Deals With Tough Budget
The Kanawha County Commission is working toward its goal of cutting $1 million in the upcoming fiscal year’s budget.
President Kent Carper said each elected official decreased their budget by 3 percent. Carper praised elected officials for unanimously not seeking pay increases.
The commission decreased its budget by $180,000, which is the 3 percent requirement. The total amount of cuts from the commission meeting totaled $320,000, which goes toward the $1 million in cuts.
Carper noted that people pay their taxes and want to see the services that they pay for and are entitled to receive. He called cutting the budget common sense, it’s income versus spending, and that the $1 million goal is attainable.
http://blogaudio.virtualnewscenter.com/WQBE-021716-WCHS-MORE KCC BUDGET CUTS.mp3